Illustration by @Itymnro

Hrothgar - Male - He/Him - Mid 40's - Lawful Evil

Voice Claim: Till Lindemann

A fashionably dressed brute with jade eyes, gold fangs, and expensive cologne towers before the crowd. One shady entrepreneur...

Is your character...

Highly perceptive?
Both of Dantisdon's eyes have a somewhat lifeless, stoney appearance. They're enchanted jade orbs meant to mimic their organic substitute.
This beast is seen in shady circles, posting jobs on bounty boards and networking for Komainu Aetheryte Company on top of it all. Barely anyone is allowed access to his territory and base of operations.
Exhibit acute hearing?
Dantisdon lacks a heartbeat.
Aethersight gifted?
A piece is missing. If his Familiar is nearby, you've found where the hidden fragment is stored.
Sensing something alien?
Dantisdon may be from this shard, and he isn't voidsent, but something in his biology and actions feels off. Perhaps The Thavnairian Truth was onto something...

The aether corrupted Hrothgar is a father to three cubs born from different voidsent parents after an "incident" at a friend's estate…Their "real" names aren't well known since Dantisdon insists on calling them endearing nicknames in public.

Sweetie Pie
An adorable, limbless, genderless slime blob which lives in a jar for its own safety. Sweetie speaks in gibberish, but is telepathically understood by whomever they're addressing. Their yawns are unintentionally terrifying. Sometimes they're in a hamster ball so they have more freedom and mobility at home. Their dream is to dance, and Dantisdon supports them wholeheartedly despite their notable lack of limbs.

Cutie Pie
The middle child and most "normal" of the bunch, Cutie appears reminiscent of a Pikmin, though thankfully Gaelicat sized. An oversized dandelion seed stands from the top of her head which blooms according to her mood. She's protective of Sweetie, can carry things several times her size, sometimes chooses violence, and is curious towards the world around her to a fault.

Patootie Pie
A boneless sleep paralysis demon with uncannily long legs and large eyes. Patootie is the eldest and most chaotic of the half siblings, often disappearing into four dimensional space and returning sparingly. He moves like a slinky, an octopi, a jellyfish, or anything remotely fucking weird for a feline with a seemingly weightless body and tendrils for whiskers. Dantisdon is unsure if Patootie can speak, but he knows his son can comprehend spoken and written language.

Art gallery, commissions and my own alike - Each image will take you to the artist's Twitter.
Viking inspired art is not canon.

NSFW pieces below

Illustration by Me

Where he may be found...

Territories with High Conflict
Excessively Violent Fight Pits
Among Societal Outcasts
Where Supernaturals Dwell
Art Galleries and Museums of Stolen Treasures
Libraries with Esoteric Knowledge
Luxurious Indulgences
Religious Ceremonies


There's a Holy site nearby.
This beast subconsciously gravitates towards sanctums. Saint Reymanaud’s is his favorite, but Eastern and Gelmorran shrines aren't exempt.
Your character is affiliated with a criminal clan, group of scientists, flock of goblins, or Monetarists.
He's always willing to rub shoulders with outcasts, intellectuals, and profit-seekers.
Your character is a Garlean deserter, android, or supernatural Being.
Dantisdon is more at ease with fellow otherworldly creatures, machinima, and imperial refugees from the fallen Empire.
Your character knows his ‘shrine.’
The man's Elezen partner is polarizing wherever he treads. Are you a friend or foe of Florentel? Perhaps both?
If your character is a Fae, tread with caution...
Dantisdon won't interact; his hatred for Faekin has cemented after a plotline. Testing his patience is ill-advised.
If your character is a Garlean...
He might recognize them, but not the other way around.

Illustration by
Maria Zolotukhina

Illustration by @Itymnro

He/him - 30's - EST - eccentric cat loving hermit

Industrial designer by day - villain rper by night

I enjoy:

Horror - Comedy - Crime - Occult - Philosophy - Grotesque visuals - Creative Lore

HiMy carrd is brief to allow most of his personality and ideologies to be uncovered naturally with one on one interaction. I prefer discovering other people's characters the same way.Be aware that my Hroth is a bit of a wild card, so I cannot make promises on whether he will or won't like your character. Take comfort that it doesn't reflect my actual opinions of you or your original creation.Dantisdon has some Lovecraftian Monster elements. I won't prune my creativity so it may fit in the confines of other's boxes- but I will offer my lower powered, more lore grounded alts to writers and groups I'm interested in.

I'm likely a good fit for you if...

Your character isn't there to 'fix him.'
He's not there to 'fix' anyone either. It's my least favorite trope of all time.
You find villain characters fun instead of ‘cringe.’
No matter what you roleplay as, you will be judged by someone anyway.
You don't solely ERP.
Once in a while is fine. If this is all you or your character seeks though, I'm going to get bored and look elsewhere.
You enjoy IC conflict.
These pixel barbies don't actually exist. Enjoy the free HBO drama of them being flawed human beings.
You communicate your needs.
My character appearing ‘intimidating’ is not a good excuse to not voice a concern.
You handle rejection maturely.
“No” from me just means “No.” Not “I hate you/think your OC is bad/insert something I didn't say here.”
You don't desire romance RP.
His heart is taken. He'll sleep around, but he's not open to dating.

Illustration by @Itymnro